Feed the Bees….
The 4 Queens Sanctuary is primarily forest or early succession forest; one of the key improvement projects is transitioning part of the early succession forest to it’s original state - prairie grasses and forbs both of which are good for all pollinators.
This year, as an experiment, Carol and David planted a 200 square foot strip of flowers by the Queen Bee’s yard and it worked great. They are looking to partner with wildlife organizations to start working on the transitioning more of their open grass fields with a goal of having 15 - 20 acres converted by 2023.
Benefits of a diverse habitat…
The habitat projects will benefit not only bees but other pollinators and wildlife such as Monarch Butterflies, Bobwhite Quail, Eastern Turkeys, Whitetail deer. Projects include Timber Stand Improvements, invasive plant species removal, prescribed burns and prairie grass restoration.
In our trial experiment this year, we reclaimed and planted a small test strip of flowers; it was common to see many different creatures enjoy and benefit - Monarch and Yellow Swallowtail Butterflies, Bumblebees and Honey Bees, various insects and a few black snakes as well. All taking advantage of a small piece of ground we improved.
Moving forward we will be looking to expand this project with a goal to plant 10 - 15 acres of flowers and plants that are specific to Illinois.
Bobwhite Quail
Monarch Butterfly